Sunday, August 12, 2007

Dusty Miller Trying To Grin and Bear It During This Heat Wave

I like to grow certain plants, as well as planting trees, in memory of people special to me. Both my mother and grandmother loved Dusty Miller so this one's for them. Seeing it gives me happy flashbacks to my childhood.


Life on the avenue said...

All of my trees have name too...

Love your garden!!!!

Baba said...

Hi Jon, Thanks for visiting my place.I live in Savannah, Ga.where we have temps. I love the Crepe Myrtle trees and have 3 in my front yard.They can stand the heat.Do most of the plants you show on your site talk hot direct sun? Thanks for sharing. Baba said...

You have very pretty plants!! I do not have green thumb!!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm down in Picayune, MS.

Your blog is gorgeous! And i've often wondered what those whitish plants were, now I know.

Liquid said...

Hello from Meridian! What a beautiful contrast they create...I must try these for next year.

I posted about gardening kudzu over at liquidilluzion. You might agree with me. lol

Have a super day! :)