The Byrds Singing "Turn, Turn, Turn"...and Scott McKenzie Singing "San Francisco" ..My Flashback To Forty-three Years Ago in S.F. in 1965
The Words of Wisdom on my old bookmarker above are from the Bible, Ecclesiastes 3.1, and I got it from the famous landmark City Lights Bookstore during the summer of 1965which I spent in San Francisco. I had many new and life-changing experiences mingling with the "Beat Generation" and young hippies with flowers in their hair, who were just beginning to migrate to S.F....truly a summer I will never forget.Scott McKenzie singing "If You're Going To San Francisco" video
I was in my early twenties in the 60s when this song was popular, and although I loved the song, as well as Ecclesiastes 3:1--the source Bible verse, it really had no deep meaning then. Now, I realize just how true and profound these words are. Aiyana
Aiyana, we are of the same age. This passage from the Bible is one of my very favorites. Looking back to 1965 when the Byrds and this song were so popular and how young and foolish I looked and acted back then, makes me shake my head and arch my eyebrows! Thanks for visiting and your comment. Jon on 2-29-08
Hi Jon, You certainly can link my blog to yours. I appreciate the compliment!
BTW, your profile cartoon is one of my favorites of all time. It is so true, and I've used that line 100 times--mostly as admonishment when friends want to get involved in on-line dating and seem to believe everything they are told. A good friend's sister got taken for $17K because of trusting some guy who fed her a line and she sent him money!
Welcome to an online ramble in our small cottage garden located in Vicksburg, Mississippi. There are several hundred pictures on this blog so click on OLDER POSTS under the bottom of the last center picture of this page to see previous older posts and pictures on the other pages. Have a look around and feel free to click COMMENTS under the pictures if you wish to type a question or to leave a remark. Scroll or page far down to the bottom of this page to see my automatic slideshows of about 400 photos of this little garden. Feel free to copy, take, use or enjoy anything on my blog as nothing is copyrighted by me in this amateur blog I have deliberately put in the public domain. You may have the shirt off my back if you want or need it.
"The world is so empty if one thinks only of mountains, rivers and cities; but to know someone here and there who thinks and feels with us, and though distant, is close to us in spirit, this makes the earth for us an inhabited garden." --Goethe
To jazz up your visit to my blog please turn up your speakers and click on the video arrow below to enjoy this classic song by Louis Armstrong.
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Another Favorite William Faulkner Quote
William Faulkner wrote:"To understand the world, you must first understand a place like Mississippi."
A Favorite Quote By William Faulkner
"The past is never dead. It's not even past."
From Act 1, Scene III,Requiem for a Nun
Mississippi Historical Marker
The Magnolia State
Magnolia Grandilflora
Mississippi's State Flower and Tree
3 Stages Of Magnolia Flowers and Buds
The Most Beautiful Native Tree and Flower In Mississippi
My Favorite Magnolia Painting
by Martin Johnson Heade
State Bird Of Mississippi
Mockingbird Singing ..It's A Southern Mockingbird...Your Cats Will Love To Listen To It!
Vicksburg National Military Park
Siege of Vicksburg in 1863
Siege of Vicksburg Historical Marker
The Worst Chapter In Our History
Cannons and Flags
Just 4 of hundreds of real Civil War cannons on display in Vicksburg
Mississippi River Car and Railway Bridges At Vicksburg
Tow Boat and Barges Under Both Bridges
Vicksburg, Miss. River Bridges
Crossing Over Ole Man River To Louisiana
Vicksburg's Two Mississippi River Bridges
Looking West Over to Louisiana Between the New And Old Bridges
Vicksburg Old Courthouse Museum
On National Register Of Historic Buildings
Vicksburg Steamboat Logo
Click Link Below For Tourist Information
Vicksburg Visitors and Tourist Information Click Link Below
A Quote from Henry Mitchell's, The Essential Earthman
"Gardening is a long road, with many detours and way stations, and here we all are at one point or another. It's not a question of superior or inferior taste, merely a question of which detour we are on at the moment. Getting there (as they say) is not important; the wandering about in the wilderness or in the olive groves or in the bayous is the whole point."
Favorite Gardening Books by Henry Mitchell
The Essential Earthman, One Man's Garden, Henry Mitchell On Gardening
This songs reminds me of my "sweet" sixteen!!! A wonderful time with a lovely song....
I was in my early twenties in the 60s when this song was popular, and although I loved the song, as well as Ecclesiastes 3:1--the source Bible verse, it really had no deep meaning then. Now, I realize just how true and profound these words are.
Aiyana, we are of the same age. This passage from the Bible is one of my very favorites. Looking back to 1965 when the Byrds and this song were so popular and how young and foolish I looked and acted back then, makes me shake my head and arch my eyebrows! Thanks for visiting and your comment. Jon on 2-29-08
Cool and groovy post and videos, man. You've been around.
You should write more about this time. It was exciting - the music was incredible ... please think about posting some of your memories.
Hi Jon,
You certainly can link my blog to yours. I appreciate the compliment!
BTW, your profile cartoon is one of my favorites of all time. It is so true, and I've used that line 100 times--mostly as admonishment when friends want to get involved in on-line dating and seem to believe everything they are told. A good friend's sister got taken for $17K because of trusting some guy who fed her a line and she sent him money!
I gotta agree with you about fun times there are never forgotten....I left my heart in San Francisco too...that city is extra special.
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