Friday, August 15, 2008

Ajuga "Black Scallop" Struggling In This Heat

Once again I am trying to grow this new and expensive ajuga variety called "Black Scallop" which was developed in Germany. It is a beautiful pitch-black in cool winter and spring weather, but becomes dull and weak in our awful Mississippi summer heat and humidity. I should have known that what is a winner in Germany's cool climate must be at risk in Mississippi's sweltering temperatures. However, I like this plant so much I might bring a couple of babies inside for the air-conditioning.


Eve said...

Your garden is lovely and so healthy looking. It must take a lot of work. I don't anywhere near that many plants but I love the ones I do have. I have that morning glory, growing on a white trellis over my side porch. It is so pretty.
I had those elephant ears growing wild in my back woods but after the Hurricane, all the trees were gone, the sun came in and now I don't see them anymore.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing with us.. Nice blog..

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Anonymous said...

Are you growing ajuga black scallop?? I plan on planting this in the fall. Mississippi here, too

Love your garden, friend